
Conference Languages
Papers and Presentation Support: Written in English
Presentation: Portuguese

09:00 - Reception
​09:30 - Opening Session​

​09:45 - Keynote Speaker - Telmo Morais - Information Gathering Through Image Leaking
​10:15 - Secure Data Storage of Health Information - Miguel Fonseca
​10:30 - Secure on Site Caching of Encrypted Cloud Storage - Rui Oliveira
​10:45 - Encrypted Communication Between Server and Client - Ricardo Marques

​11:00 - Coffe Break

​11:20 - Securing Data Storage of Cloud Storage - Diogo Oliveira
​11:35 - A Data Encryption Application: Development Proposal - Eduardo Carneiro
​11:50 - Games for Cybersecurity Training and Awareness - Rafael Carvalho
​12:05 - Keynote Speaker - João Paulo Magalhães - Human Firewall: Are your people cyber aware?

​13:00 - Lunch on your own

​14:30 - Keynote Speaker - Sandro Moreira - Physical Security of Servers and Networks
​15:00 - Review of Cybersecurity Risks in Healthcare - Filipa Capelão
​15:15 - Cybersecurity of Social Media: Case Study in Health Area - Susana Dias
​15:30 - Privacy and Security in the Era of Digital Health: Case mHealth - Leandro Mendes
​​15:45 - A Data Encryption Application: Development Proposal - Nuno Cunha

​16:00 - Closing Session