
Conference Languages
Papers and Presentation Support: Written in English
Presentation: Portuguese or English

09:00 - Reception
​09:30 - Opening Session​: Vice-Rector of the Lusofona University of Porto - Professor PhD Joaquim Pais Barbosa

​09:45 - Keynote Speaker - Major Rogério Raposo - CNCS: Current Situation of Cybersecurity in Portugal; Challenges at the Level of Cybersecurity.
​10:30 - Paper "Creating GDPR Compliant Interpretable Models" - Pedro Strecht (Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto)
​10:45 - Paper "Malicious URL Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms" - Marcelo Ferreira (ULP)

​11:00 - Coffe Break

​11:20 - Paper "Perception of Risk and Precautionary Behavior in CyberSecurity: Hints for Future Research" - Eliza Oliveira and Vania Baldi (CIC.Digital, University of Aveiro)
​11:35 - Paper "Internet of Things: Privacy and Security Implications" - Roberto Ferreira (ULP)
​​11:50 - Keynote Speaker - Tito de Morais - MindHacking: How We're Tricked on the Internet and Out of It

​13:00 - Lunch on your own

​14:30 - Keynote Speaker - Alberto R. Rodas - Cybersecurity Threats
​15:15 - Paper "Data Security in Modern Cars" - Pedro Martins (ULP)
​15:30 - Paper "Security Issues in Serious Games Web Environments" - Nuno Pontes (ULP)
​15:45 - Paper "A Data Encryption Application: Development Proposal" - Diogo Vilas Boas (ULP)

​16:30 - Closing Session: Sub-Director of the Informatics Engineering Course at ULP - Professora Carla Cordeiro