
Program - 10 January 2024

Conference Languages
Papers and Presentation Support: Written in English
Presentation: Portuguese or English

09:30 - Reception
​09:50 - Opening Session

​10:00 - Paper "A Review on Serious Games and Exercises Based Data Security Methods" - Diogo Fangueiro, UL-CUP

​10:15 - (Keynote Speaker) "APDSI and NIS2" - Luís Borges, APDSI - Associação para a Promoção e Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação / Association for the Promotion and Development of the Information Society (APDSI)

​10:45 - (Opening Technical Session) Eng. Nuno Nunes, Coordenador do Colégio de Informática da Ordem dos Engenheiros - Região Norte / Coordinator of the College of Informatics of the Order of Engineers - North Region

​11:00 - (Keynote Speaker) "How to be a Shadow" - Critical Techworks

​​11:50 - (Keynote Speaker) "Breaking Privacy with OSINT" - Silvana Oliveira, CyberS3c

​13:00 - Lunch break

​14:30 - (Keynote Speaker) "What do we know about Malicious Hacking? an analysis of the Phenomenon's Explanatory Factors" - Carolina Roque, FDUP

​15:15 - Paper "Security Threats and Risk in Education" - Nazmul Hazari, UL-CUP

​15:30 - Paper "IoT Hacking: Cyber Security Point of View" - Ricardo Martins, UL-CUP

​15:45 - Paper "Intrusion Detection Security Techniques in Cloud-Based Networks" - André Magalhães, UL-CUP

​16:30 - Closing Session

Program - 11 January 2024

Free day.
Reflection on the work carried out by students.