The Digital Privacy and Security Conference (DPSC) was first published in 2018 with the aim of disseminating the latest academic research on various subjects related to privacy and digital security. The objectives of our mission have been growing as well as the success of the editions of this conference.
The conference proceedings aim to publish quality research for the benefit of the global academic community. We believe in the importance of education for society and the need to facilitate knowledge on a global scale.
As the digital era matures, cyber security evolves and software vulnerabilities diminish, people however, as individuals, are more exposed today than ever before. In the context of digital privacy and security, attacker breach defences to access sensitive data and resources.
The event will take place at the Lusofona University of Porto (ULP) the 15th January, 2020. This conference is promoted by the Informatics Engineering course and in the scope of the Network Complements.
This website provides all the information about of the conference activities.
We invite you to explore it and get to know about all the details of the event.
Let's make it a very special one. Join us in ULP.
Free access.
Conference Languages
Papers and Presentation Support: Written in English
Presentation: Portuguese or English