

Conference Languages
Papers and Presentation Support: Written in English
Presentation: Portuguese or English

09:00 - Reception
​09:30 - Opening Session​: Vice-Rector of the Lusofona University of Porto - Professor PhD Joaquim Pais Barbosa

09:45 - (Keynote Speaker) Bounty Life - André Batista, Most Valuable Hacker in a competition held in Washington, USA.
​10:30 - Paper "A Survey of Cyber Security Systems: Approaches for Attack Detection, Prediction, and Prevention" - Jorge Gonçalves
​10:45 - Paper "Major Challenges in Digital Contents Copyright Protection" - João Barreira

​11:00 - Coffe Break

​11:20 - Paper "Android Attacks Detection Techniques" - Hugo Marques
​​11:50 - (Keynote Speaker) Luís Maia, Founder and CTO - Adyta, Lda

​13:00 - Lunch on your own

​14:30 - Session: Young People and Information Security
            Moderator: Professor Rogério Reis, ISOC Portugal / Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
            Speakers: Maria Matos, Digital Leaders of the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre
                               Vera Oliveira, Student and Enthusiastic in Security Area

15:15 - Paper "Review of cyber threats on Educational Institutions" - Jorge Pinheiro
​15:30 - Paper "Portugal Cyber threats Review: Targeted Health Institutions" - David Pinto
​15:45 - Paper "Analysis of Security in E-Commerce and M-Commerce" - Nuno Mata

​16:30 - IT Security: The Importance of Certification - Alexandra Ribeiro, APCER

​17:00 - Closing Session: Sub-Director of the Informatics Engineering Course at ULP - Professora Carla Cordeiro